Saturday, September 8, 2012


For a period of time my oldest,  Harrison, would regularly ask "What number am I now?".   He was eager to find out if he grew over night - sure seems like it to this Mama sometimes!  When he would ask we would grab the tape measurer to see and I would tell him what number (how many inches) he was.  One day he got a hold of the tape measurer and started measuring everything in site.  It was the perfect opportunity to start teaching him about units of measurements and height, width, and depth.  We measured the width of the door, the height of the sofa, the length of a wall, etc.  Along came my other two boys and suddenly the tape measurer was going everywhere, so I got out the fabric tape measurer from my sewing kit. That quickly turned into a game of tug of war and let's wrap Wyatt up (my youngest).  Really, how did I not see that coming?!  We were losing focus - what to do?  I wanted to stick with this lesson because Harrison was genuinely interested in it and eager to learn.  We went down to the playroom - Legos would do the trick!! We started measuring every thing we could with our Duplo Legos.  I love legos for the boys, great fine motor activity.  We started stacking the legos together and measuring how long the bookcase was, how deep each step was, and even how tall/long each boy was!  Harrison (63) and Aidan (57) give or take a lego!
This was so much fun!  Harrison quickly figured out that we could do the same with matchbox cars and wanted to know how many cars long he was.  What a fun little lesson in measurements.  We have plenty of time to learn centimeters and inches.  For now, it's legos & matchbox cars!

Sunday, August 19, 2012


With 3 boys so close in age, we tend to have a lot of dr appts - well checks, sick visits, ENTs, Audiologists, speech, etc. Waiting rooms can sometimes get a bit chaotic when our little circus rolls in.  I was always good about grabbing a toy and/or book and tossing it in my diaper bag before leaving but that never really kept them engaged for more than 4 seconds! Afterall, the offices usually have germ filled books and toys that they don't get to play with all the time. Why would they want to play with what I brought?!  I decided we needed special things to keep them occupied that I could bring out specifically for times just like this. Maybe, just maybe, I could keep them focused on something other than the toy that the flu-stricken child in the waiting room just licked?!
So welcome to my first post in my BUSY BAG SERIES

A few paint sample cards and clothes pins are all you need! Just cut off a thin strip of each color and glue on to the clothespin. Voila! You now have a color matching game and a fine motor skill activity! If you have a laminating machine, it helps to laminate the paint cards - just in case a 3 & 4 year old start to have a tug of war while forgetting for just a moment about turn taking!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

“Children are made readers on the laps of their parents.”~~ Emilie Buchwald

We have a love for books in our house. My husband and I began reading to our boys before they were even born.  They often come into our room in the morning to wake us up with a book in their hand, it's a great way to start the day.  Lately they have been asking about our new favorite books when they wake in the morning, The Magic Tree House series by Mary Pope Osborne.  On a whim, I picked up the first book in the series - Dinosaurs in the Dark.  Our oldest just turned 4 in May and I wondered when I would be able to share these wonderful chapter books I had heard so much about.  I knew they were meant more for children in elementary school not in preschool.  Well, Harrison saw it and wanted me to read it right away so I thought we would give it a try before bed.  I figured the worst case scenario would be that they aren't interested and we save it for when they older.  So, together, with him and my 3 year old, we read the first chapter that night.  They absolutely loved it and wanted me to keep reading but I decided one chapter was enough to get them thinking, and they did! They woke up talking about it and wanting more!  We have kept it our nighttime routine to read a chapter a night and we are now several books into the series.  I ask them questions at the end of each chapter about what took place and what they think would happen next and at the start of the next chapter the following night, we summarize together what happened previously.  They get it!  My point in sharing this?  Children can understand at a much higher level than their reading level.  Don't hesitate reading a book or a piece of literature because you think it's too long or there are words they might not understand.  Doing so can expand their vocabulary, encourage new ideas, promote critical thinking, and help them progress with their reading skills.  
Comment below and let me know what chapter series we should start next once we get through The Magic Tree House series!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

My husband and I decided last year to do away with cable TV for a number of reasons.  The adjustment was relatively easy.  We use Netflix to choose which shows we are okay with the kids watching and to watch movies after they go to bed.  The only time we really miss it is for sports which we both really enjoy.  It has been really difficult to not watch the Olympics. I have read the stories and watched the highlights online but miss watching the action and learning more about the athletes.  I think there are so many great lessons for the kids during the Olympics so I decided to order the DVD of the 2012 games.  I plan to speak with them about dreams, hard work, and overcoming adversity.  Competition is  a big thing in our home right now.  We play board games a lot and as a result my 2 older boys have become good winners and losers. It took awhile - many games and many tears - but they now cheer for one another when they win.  It is sweet to see.  Unfortunately that stops at the game table.  Everything is a race - who can get up or down the stairs faster, who can get in the car faster, who can go potty faster (that usually involves cleanup on my part!).  The list goes on.  Watching these athletes compete will provide a good opportunity to show them that 2nd 3rd and even last place finishers are all winners! I can't wait to get it.  I think we will have a delayed Olympic celebration with lots of crafts and games.  You can get a copy of the DVD at  I am curious what you have all done with your kiddos to celebrate the Olympics? Leave a comment and let me know!
Well here I am, bloggin'!  I never thought I would start one but I realized I had much more to share than I could fit in a Facebook post, so along came this blog!!  I am not very computer savvy so it has taken me a little time to get this up and running and I am certain there will be some tweaks if not overhauls in the coming days and weeks.  It will be a learning process but hopefully it will be a fun one.  After all, that is what I want the content of this site to be all about - learning while having fun!