Saturday, September 8, 2012


For a period of time my oldest,  Harrison, would regularly ask "What number am I now?".   He was eager to find out if he grew over night - sure seems like it to this Mama sometimes!  When he would ask we would grab the tape measurer to see and I would tell him what number (how many inches) he was.  One day he got a hold of the tape measurer and started measuring everything in site.  It was the perfect opportunity to start teaching him about units of measurements and height, width, and depth.  We measured the width of the door, the height of the sofa, the length of a wall, etc.  Along came my other two boys and suddenly the tape measurer was going everywhere, so I got out the fabric tape measurer from my sewing kit. That quickly turned into a game of tug of war and let's wrap Wyatt up (my youngest).  Really, how did I not see that coming?!  We were losing focus - what to do?  I wanted to stick with this lesson because Harrison was genuinely interested in it and eager to learn.  We went down to the playroom - Legos would do the trick!! We started measuring every thing we could with our Duplo Legos.  I love legos for the boys, great fine motor activity.  We started stacking the legos together and measuring how long the bookcase was, how deep each step was, and even how tall/long each boy was!  Harrison (63) and Aidan (57) give or take a lego!
This was so much fun!  Harrison quickly figured out that we could do the same with matchbox cars and wanted to know how many cars long he was.  What a fun little lesson in measurements.  We have plenty of time to learn centimeters and inches.  For now, it's legos & matchbox cars!

1 comment:

  1. That's a cool idea, I never thought about using leggos before!! When I was a kid, my mom would right on actual wall with a pencil lol!!
