Saturday, August 11, 2012

“Children are made readers on the laps of their parents.”~~ Emilie Buchwald

We have a love for books in our house. My husband and I began reading to our boys before they were even born.  They often come into our room in the morning to wake us up with a book in their hand, it's a great way to start the day.  Lately they have been asking about our new favorite books when they wake in the morning, The Magic Tree House series by Mary Pope Osborne.  On a whim, I picked up the first book in the series - Dinosaurs in the Dark.  Our oldest just turned 4 in May and I wondered when I would be able to share these wonderful chapter books I had heard so much about.  I knew they were meant more for children in elementary school not in preschool.  Well, Harrison saw it and wanted me to read it right away so I thought we would give it a try before bed.  I figured the worst case scenario would be that they aren't interested and we save it for when they older.  So, together, with him and my 3 year old, we read the first chapter that night.  They absolutely loved it and wanted me to keep reading but I decided one chapter was enough to get them thinking, and they did! They woke up talking about it and wanting more!  We have kept it our nighttime routine to read a chapter a night and we are now several books into the series.  I ask them questions at the end of each chapter about what took place and what they think would happen next and at the start of the next chapter the following night, we summarize together what happened previously.  They get it!  My point in sharing this?  Children can understand at a much higher level than their reading level.  Don't hesitate reading a book or a piece of literature because you think it's too long or there are words they might not understand.  Doing so can expand their vocabulary, encourage new ideas, promote critical thinking, and help them progress with their reading skills.  
Comment below and let me know what chapter series we should start next once we get through The Magic Tree House series!!

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